I P - I N P R O G R E S S

Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002 - 10:25 pm
Halloween and things

I should make this quick, because Tyler needs on here to do a paper. And I need to either read this article for class tomorrow or get some sleep... or something.

I kept falling asleep in class this morning. Rob's not a boring professor, I just didn't get enough sleep last night. We also had our physics/chemistry test today. Beh. I did spectacularly on the chemistry, and if I could just pretend that the physics never existed, I would be happier. I think if I had gotten caught up like i had wanted to in time for the test, I would have done better. I'm stressing so much about this class this quarter. It's so much more engaging than spring quarter was. And I'm really glad that I don't have to take humanities any more right now. As much as I enjoy history and writing and everything, I also really want to just get away from it all right now.

And it's turning out to be a great thing, too. I found a bunch of scholarships online that are geared towards things that definately apply to science. There's a good one out that I'm going to apply for that needs an essay (pretty long one too) and a faculty signature. I'm glad too, though. Rachel said that she would be willing to sign off on it (which means that she needs to read and critique the essay for me). There's something along the lines of several thousand dollars at stake for it. I read the winners from last year, and it doens't look like I'll have too hard of a time writing the essay. I know what they're looking for and what they want us to aim at and discuss.

So yeah. Maybe I'll post the essay here if and when it gets done and I can send it in.

Anyhow, I have to finish this one up. So yeah.

Happy Halloween. Or something.

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